Affects and moods in W. Kar Wai´s In The Mood For Love


  • Adalberto Müller UFF



Based on Gumbrecht’s (2010) concept of Stimmung, the film In the mood for love (2000) is analyzed in order to demonstrate thatthe essential in this film lies in the way it articulates affective moods and History.

Author Biography

Adalberto Müller, UFF

Adalberto Müller is an Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he teaches Literary Theory and Film Studies. He also taught at Université Lumière Lyon2 (France). Alongside his publications on Literature and Film, Adalberto has published Linhas Imaginárias: poesia, mídia, cinema (Ed. Sulina, 2012) and translated Francis Ponge's and e.e.cumming's works to Portuguese. He is a member of the Council of SOCINE (Brazilian Society for Film Studies), wrote and directed the short Wenceslau e a árvore do gramofone (2008), based on poems by Manoel de Barros, and published three books of poetry. In 2013 he was a Visiting Fellow at the Film
Studies Program at Yale University, researching on Orson Welles's unfinished Don Quixote. His current researches focuses Film and Literature, Film and Poetry and Media Theory (esp. German language Media Theory).

