Interdental Fricative Production in Dutch Heritage Language Speakers Living in Canada




This study investigates the production of / ? / and / ð / by three groups of English speakers in the community of Norwich, Ontario, Canada. English monolinguals, Heritage Dutch speakers, and late-learning Dutch L1 English speakers / ? / and / ð / production was measured in both naturalistic and reading tasks. Heritage Dutch speakers produce [?] and [ð] at similar levels to Monolingual English speakers, the two groups use different allophone inventories especially in the initial position of / ð / and the medial-position of / ? /. This study suggests that despite having native English accents, Dutch Heritage speakers may manipulate the inherently variable English / ? / and / ð / production to communicate their Dutch cultural identity.

Author Biographies

Sarah Cornwell, The University of Western Ontario

Sarah Cornwell is a graduate of the Masters of Arts in Linguistics program at the University of Western Ontario, and is a doctoral candidate for Library and Information Science at the same institution. Her research interests are in language acquisition, sociolinguistics, and text analytics.

Yasaman Rafat, The University of Western Ontario

Yasaman Rafat is an assistant professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Western Ontario. She holds a PhD in Hispanic studies from the University of Toronto. Her work has focused on second language speech learning. She is primarily interested in the effects of auditory-orthographic interaction and integration in bilinguals. She has also worked on speech production, processing and dialectal acquisition and change bilinguals. 


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