No words, just pictures to tell the history of humanity: an art case in Bocejo


  • Renata Junqueira de Souza Universidade Estadual Paulista FCT/Presidente Prudente
  • Flávia Brocchetto Ramos Centro de Ciências Humanas e da Educação, University of Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul
  • Jeff Stevenson Library Media Specialist at Wickliffe Progressive Community School, Upper Arlington, Ohio, United States



Wordless books are traditionally associated with illiterate children. However, many of them have fragmented and dense proposal, assuming skills and prior knowledge that a young reader would hardly have. Thus, in research whose focus is on books for children selected by the Brazilian – National Program of the School Library (PNBE), we chose to study Ilan Brenman and Renato Moriconi’s Bocejo. The book consists of apparent isolated scenes that, joined together, form a unique whole, dialoguing with stages that show the history of humanity – from bible’s Eve to the arrival of man on the moon or from the act of an individual reader to the interaction with the book. Lack of words that could guide the understanding of the reader, temporal gaps between scenes and the multiplicity of elements which compose each picture lead to structure and thematic fractures, that complicate the reception of the book by the beginning reader. The meanings of the story emerge by a picture and the articulation with the fact that the character represented is referring to. The proposal of the work prioritizes the emancipatory nature of the reader, however, in the case of young readers, mediation is necessary to help children in the process of comprehension, understanding the book and the art process involved in this humanity path. 

Author Biographies

Renata Junqueira de Souza, Universidade Estadual Paulista FCT/Presidente Prudente

Livre docente em Conteúdos e Metodologia de Língua Portuguesa. Pós doutorado no departamento de Literatura e Ensino da Ohio State University. Docente da graduação e pós graduação da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da UNESP (Presidente Prudente). Coordenadora do Centro de Pesquisas em Leitura e Literatura Infantil e Juvenil (CELLIJ). Com experiência na área de Educação e Literatura, com ênfase em Ensino-Aprendizagem, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Leitura e Ensino, Literatura e Ensino, Estratégias de leitura. Compreensão de textos.

Flávia Brocchetto Ramos, Centro de Ciências Humanas e da Educação, University of Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul

Doutora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UCS

Jeff Stevenson, Library Media Specialist at Wickliffe Progressive Community School, Upper Arlington, Ohio, United States

Jornalista, mestre em História pela Ohio State University, mestre em Ciência da Informação pela Kent State University, bibliotecário especialista em midia na Wickliffe Progressive Community School, Upper Arlington, Ohio.


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