Author switching and the problem of the "author-work" unit in comics
This work aims to discuss the notion of Author and Work as correlates and their insertion into a problematic of unity between these notions, in a perspective based on Foucault (2008, 2009). From AUTHOR (year), Maingueneau (2006) and Bourdieu (1996), the Comics are taken, in this work, as a relatively autonomous institution that engenders a field of activities, the quadrinistic field, in which subjects positioned as authors, mediators and readers act in the elaboration, sustentation and legitimation of the names of Authors. The discussion about the Autor-Obra unit is based on the author's commutability present in the Comics. Author switching is the process by which comic works are produced by different authors, interchangeable with each other in other works and with diverse roles, such as screenwriter, draftsman, art-finalist, colorist, among others. The discussion points to the difficulties in defining the functioning of authorship (the author function) in Comics because of the non-unity between Author and Work, characteristic of this institution.References
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