The reconfiguration of cultural identity in We Need New Names, by Noviolet Bulawayo




The aim of this article is to analyze the reconfiguration of the cultural identity of the protagonist of We Need New Names, by Noviolet Bulawayo. In this coming-of-age novel, the author narrates Darling’s story from her childhood, in Harare, Zimbabwe, until she became an adult, as an immigrant in the United States. The novel’s background is the economic, political and social crisis that plagued the country in the post-independence period, aggravated by the spread of AIDs. Like many compatriots, the protagonist builds a utopian image of America, which, years later, melts away due to the difficulties faced by immigrants on American soil.

Author Biography

Shirley de Souza Gomes Carreira, UERJ- Departamento de Letras- FFP

Doutora em Literatura Comparada. Professora Adjunta de Literaturas de Língua Inglesa da UERJ.


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