From the center to the margins: ecocritical visions in the contemporary thinking




Humanity, animality, anthropological machine


The study aims to shed light on the unfolding of animality in the contemporary theoretical-critical debate in the field of literary studies. Establishing a dialogue, in particular, between the reflections of Gabriel Giorggi, Giorgio Agamben, Dominique Lestel and the border thinking raised by Ailton Krenak and Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, we intend to inquire about the role of animality in the construction of other translations of the human. Under this format, irreconcilable tensions contained in the anthropocentric conception of the human and the animal become evident, far beyond the philosophical debate. In the face of this discussion, alternative ways of thinking not only about animality, but also humanity, are revealed, which leads to a break with the production of bodies and subjectivities, managed by the state-owned imaginary.

Author Biography

Lauro Roberto do Carmo Figueira, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará



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