Storytelling and multispecies alliance for the survival in Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam


  • Suênio Stevenson Tomaz da Silva



Storytelling, Alliance, Survival, Ecocriticism, MaddAddam



This paper originates from my doctorate thesis on Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam trilogy. For this analysis, I rely on the third novel of the collection, also entitled MaddAddam, in which we can find the plots’ conclusion from the prequel books, namely, Oryx and Crake (2003) e The year of the flood (2009). In MaddAddam, published in 2013, Atwood speculates about the future in which storytelling and alliance between both human and nonhuman beings are the survival strategy of species within a post-apocalyptic scenario. To support some of my reflections, I will utilize the environmental humanities scholarship, especially ecocriticism, theoretical approach which allows me to glimpse, among other issues, how the human species reconfigures themselves to guarantee their survival.


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