One brazilian poet - Lindolf Bell


  • Richard Zenith


By his talents and intense activity, Lindolf Bell became the recognized leader of the Poetic Catechesis movement. Founded in 1964 in a defunct Sao Paulo nightclub, it quickly established itself as a major artistic current in Brazil. The movement is concerned not so much with the poem's form as with its role and diffusion in society. To fulfill the movement's original proposal to "take the poem to the people," poets declaimed their works in auditoriums, parks, streets, and other public places. They subsequently adopted visual means, such as "poster poems" and "poem shirts," which were mass produced to make them popularly accessible. It is nowadays common to see poems posted in Brazil's public squares and on building walls. The poets of the Catechesis movement insist that poetry be not only aesthetic but also ethical, a preoccupation which is evident in the social consciousness of their poetry as well as their missionary zeal in communicating it. Says Bell: "The poem product should be delivered to the consumer by all available means; the poet should be the revelatory instrument cf whatever is poetic in each man."




