Lilac Bibliography: Lesboteca and the construction of a bibliographic catalog for lesbian visibility
Lesboteca, Bibliographic Catalog, Lesbian Visibility, Gender, SexualityAbstract
Objective: Describe the Lesboteca website, as it is an important visibility tool for the identity group formed by lesbian woman.
Methods: The nature of the study is qualitative and quantitative, with an exploratory and descriptive character. In it we describe the Lesboteca website and the organization of the information presented, through categories created and elements that expose the contents of the books.
Results: The results show that Lesboteca has about 307 books cataloged in several categories, it is an effective instrument in the organization and retrieval of information, which enables interaction with its users.
Conclusions: The study highlights the importance of this initiative as a space for information and combating lesbophobia and making the scientific and literary production of lesbian authors more visible.
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