Law on information access and government repositories as instruments for a Open Model Governance
Information Access, Open Government, Digital Repositories, Government RepositoriesAbstract
Objective: It analyses the role of government repositories, for the open model of governance that brings citizens closer to public management through information access, examining the Law on Information Access from the perspective of open government, as well as the repositories types and their contributions, considering the example of the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights Digital Library.
Methods: Quali-quantitative, exploratory and bibliographical research will be adopted.
Results: It is observed that the repositories ensure the fundamental rights of information access, through the use of tools that promote effective access by the citizen. The Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights Digital Library gather all technical documentation, as well as the production of other institutions, whose use occurs in an open format, providing society with wide use, reuse, transformation, distribution, redistribution, compilation, extraction, copying, dissemination, modification and/or adaptation of data and information free of charge
Conclusions: The Law on Information Access aims to strengthen the control over data and information circulation by allowing an authentic and reliable flow of them for effective implementation of transparent management, excluding the law exceptions. Digital repositories emerge as a tool to guarantee access and information dissemination to citizens. The strengthening of government repositories is closely linked to the promotion of an informed political debate, providing citizens with data and information that assists in the construction of their participation in social processes, ensuring them respect for fundamental freedoms such as information access, the dignity of the human person, and maintenance of institutional memory.
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