60 years of International Cataloguing Principles: history and development
Cataloging, International Cataloguing Principles –ICP, Paris Principles, International Standard Bibliographic Description –ISBD, Conceptual ModelsAbstract
Objective: To present the context and development of the International Cataloguing Principles (ICP), which are intended to guide the creation and development of cataloging codes, the decisions made by the catalogers and the policies on data access and exchange.
Methods: Qualitative research, exploratory and descriptive approach, uses the technical procedures of bibliographic and documentary research.
Results: It presents a framework of the development of the ICP, aiding their understanding and highlighting their importance for the current data exchange scenario. It is understood that the International Cataloguing Principles plays an important role in the worldwide standardization of Cataloging, but, for its effective adoption, it is necessary to totally understand it.
Conclusions: The history of the International Cataloguing Principles contextualizes and reaffirms the international effort to establish common guidelines to different geographical locations, and highlights the importance of the Principles, even after 60 years of their first establishment.
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