Dimensions of information mediation and its contributionsto the training of the reading mediator: theoretical and empirical approaches
Dimensions of information mediation, Reading mediation, Mediator training, University ExtensionAbstract
Highlighting the importance of critical and conscious training of mediators, this study focuses on actions of this nature, within the scope of university extension, linking their analysis to the dimensions of mediation of the information.
Objective: Identify and categorize the indicators of the reach of the dimensions of mediation of the information in actions aimed at qualifying the mediator.
Methods: It is a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, from the association of the case study method and the participant research. For data collection, systematic direct observation and focus group techniques were used. The universe was that of the actions of the Lapidar Extension Project and the sample corresponded to its actions carried out in 2019, which in this edition had 14 participants among students, professor and graduates of the Library and Archives Courses of the Federal University from Bahia-Brazil.
Results: As for these, they were considered insufficient to state that all five dimensions of information mediation have been fully achieved in actions aimed at training the mediator, however it was possible to observe the occurrence of a greater number of indicators of the reach of the dialogic and esthetics, while those related to the formative, ethical and political dimensions were more reduced.
Conclusions: It is affirmed through this research that the Project has been building and awareness among the participants regarding the social responsibility of the area and regarding the role of mediation in the mediation of information and the mediator.
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