Systemic management of university libraries and the scientific repertoire about management indicators in information science
University library, Management indicators, Systemic managementAbstract
Objective: Presents an overview of the international scientific literature in Information Science about management indicators in University libraries with a view to systemic management. Methods: The authors used the bibliographic, exploratory and descriptive research. Procedures were adopted for the selection of literature to be analyzed: definition of the research scope, inclusion and exclusion criteria, definition of search strategies according to each database, export of metadata to compose the results database, filtering of results regarding the title alignment, keywords, abstract, availability, full text and exclusion of duplicates. Results: The results database consisted of 70 publications (articles, event papers, dissertations and thesis), with the focus of the research being the bibliographic analysis. The Google sheets were used to analyse 1,939 references. The most relevant journal was Performance Measurement and Metrics with 14,28%. There is a more constant growth in publications on the subject from 2013 onwards. The most representative information source is the journal with 70% of the sample, with English being the most present language. The main sub-theme observed was the development indicators, followed by the ISO 11620 and quality indicators. The most published authors were the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Town, S., Poll, R. e Lancaster, F. W. Conclusions: The literature has shown a list of indicators dedicated to quality management and performance evaluation rather than to systemic management of University libraries, which demonstrates the need to evolve with this specific theme.
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