From the information user to the informational subject: reflection on conceptual assumptions from brazilian research
Informational Subject, Informational Subject., Information uses and usersAbstract
Objective: Analyzes the conceptual premises regarding the informational subject, from a series of theoric developments, originated in Brazilian research (master’s dissertations and doctorate thesis) in the Information Science field, which is available at the Biblioteca Digital de Dissertações de Teses-BDTD archives, between 1998 and 2021.
Methods: The research is classified as a systematic literature review in terms of data collection. The research steps (gathering, structure, and data analysis) have been displayed using the collective subject discourse (CSD) technique, which is a qualitative organizational and analysis data resource method, that substantiates the social representation theory. CSD allows knowing thoughts, representations, beliefs, and values of a Community on a particular theme.
Results: The conceptual presumptions gathered to show a transformation in the understanding regarding information users as information subjects. It happens in the sense of this user placing him/herself as an active subject, who simultaneously searches, accesses, retrieves, and uses information and, throughout these established actions, generates and socializes his / her information.
Conclusions: The information subject presumptions, gathered from the analyzed data, highlight a sociocognitive subject, who establishes a deep relation with information, through information practices such as search, use, Generation, and socialization. In this process of meaning attribution and communication, this subject relates his / her informational needs to lived social and historical backgrounds (social fields) appear appealing as well to a series of sociocognitive resources, which as the analyzed data verify, can be languages, identities, memories, and cultural values, to create their information practices and to understand and act in their immediate realities, bringing other subjects and social groups to bear with information and knowledge.
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