Formation of librarians for the inclusion of the deaf people in information units
Lobrary Education, Curriculum, Professional training, Deafness, Brazilian Sign LanguageAbstract
Objective: Investigate the perception of the graduates of the Librarianship course about the Libras during graduation. And specifically, to identify which schools of Librarianship in Brazil insert the discipline of Libras in the course curriculum and analyze the conditions of the Universidade Federal de Goiás Librarianship course in relation to the formation of students for communication with deaf people and social inclusion in information units.
Methods: A qualitative research exploratory through bibliographic, documentary research and the application of questionnaires. It adopts the statistical analysis and the Discourse of the collective subject for data treatment and interpretation.
Results: It points out that most Librarianship courses insert the discipline of Libras in the curriculum in the optional modality, and that librarians graduates do not feel prepared for the interaction with deaf people in their work environment, and therefore they agree with the presence and offering of the discipline in graduation.
Conclusions: There is a need to take the issue to the center of undergraduate discussions to develop strategic actions for this training and for the provision of the discipline of Libras.
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