The mediation of information for Sustainable Development: a study on the IFLA world map
Information Mediation, Sustainable Development Goals, Information Science, Libraries, Agenda 2030Abstract
Objective: To identify and present the information mediation actions present in the reports shared in the SDG Stories tab of the Library map of the world.
Method: Systematic observation, through a script that analyzed 56 experience reports on library actions for Sustainable Development, available on the SDG Stories tab of the Library map of the world. The form of data treatment was content analysis.
Result: Information mediation actions were identified in 48 of the 56 reports, 7 of which were implicit and 41 explicit, in 32 countries. Most mediation actions are user training (workshops, workshops, training) and are linked to Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality education, concluding that it is necessary to promote more actions that directly address the other Sustainable Development Goals .
Conclusions: Most of the information mediation actions shared in the Library map of the world are of the explicit type. Among them are: user training, provision of information sources, assistance provided in searches for information, personal assistance and interaction with the user, with user training (workshops, workshops, training) being the most frequent activity in the analyzed reports. As for the SDGs, most actions are linked to SDG 4: Quality education, concluding that it is necessary to promote more actions that address the other SDGs.
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