Logical interpretant and domain determination in information science
Logical interpretant, Peirce's pragmatism, Domain analysisAbstract
Objetivo: To analyze the logical interpretant conceived by Peirce, and the construction of dominance from pragmatism. The explanation of Peirce's scientific method offers subsidies for the treatment of domain, and here it is described not only as a tool, but as a possibility for generating knowledge.
Methods: A theoretical retrieval of the Domain Analysis developed by Hjørland and Albrechtsen, related to Information Science, Information Organization and Knowledge Organization, was carried out. The materials that contributed to the preparation of the article were retrieved from Brapci, Dialnet, Google Scholar, Nomos eLibrary, and ISKO databases.
Results: It presents in a punctual way the scientific method called pragmatism by Peirce, in an effort to establish the argumentation of the process of signification of phenomena in a systematic way. It describes the architecture of the sciences, and the phenomenological categories in which the role of semiotics, as a logical treatment, is fundamental for the interdisciplinarity of the scientific method. The definition of interpretant associated with the conception of concept, in the structure of meaning of the analysis and determination of domain is a plausible approach in Information Science, influencing the organization of information and knowledge
Conclusions: The central argument is the analogy between the evolutionary development of the sign, which is considered a process in which the results depend on the conduct, similar to which the domain is proposed, thus offering a scientific methodology to combine information retrieval and knowledge generation, so the similarity between the methods analyzed can have scientific use.
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