The interface between artificial intelligence and information literacy in higher education: inter- and multidisciplinary contexts, advances and challenges




Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Information Literacy, Personalization of Learning, Critical Thinking


Objective: This article addresses the interface between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Literacy in Higher Education, considering recent technological contributions. It seeks to identify how AI can personalize learning, improve source evaluation, and support the development of critical thinking in the academic context in which the concept of Information Literacy (IL) is inserted.

Method: The research, with an interdisciplinary approach, respects the epistemologies of the fields involved and investigates the phenomenon of AI in Higher Education in its relationship with IL. An interpretative documentary and bibliographic analysis was carried out based on data from Google Scholar and the Capes Journal Portal, including the Scielo platform. Experts were consulted to indicate relevant materials, and national and international institutions, such as UNESCO, provided instructional manuals and references.

Result: The results show that AI has great potential to personalize learning and improve the curation of informational content, increasing students' critical capacity when used well.

Conclusions: The study highlights that AI can be an essential tool to promote a more critical and autonomous academic education. It is suggested to expand its integration into Higher Education, considering ethical and accessibility issues.


Author Biographies

Maria Heldaiva Bezerra Pinheiro, University of Brasília

PhD in Information Science from the Faculty of Information Science of the University of Brasília (UnB) (2022). Master in Information Science from the University of Brasília (2014). Specialist in Political Science from UnB (2003). Graduated in Administration from the Educational Union of Brasília (UNEB, 2000). A civil servant of the University of Brasília for 42 years, she received two awards: "Prata da Casa" for 25 years of service to UnB and "Gold of the House" for 40 years of service. She worked at the Rectorate of UnB, at the University of Brasília Press, at the Real Estate Assets Secretariat, and retired in 2023 from the Information Technology Secretariat - STI. She has experience in the administrative and people management areas. She is interested in the following topics: information literacy, with an emphasis on information behavior (search and use of information), scientific communication, media and education, teacher training, educational learning, metacognition and metaliteracy.

Marcos Rogério Martins Costa, University of Brasília

PhD and Master's in Literature from the University of São Paulo (USP) with a Postdoctoral Internship in Scientific Literacy from the University of Brasília (UnB). He has a degree in Literature (Portuguese/Linguistics) from USP and in Pedagogy from the University of Santo Amaro (UNISA). He currently works as a collaborating professor at the Institute of Physics of the University of Brasília in the Postgraduate Program in Physics Teaching. Between 2020 and 2021, he was a substitute professor at the Institute of Literature of the University of Brasília (UnB). He has been the CEO and founder of the startup Escrita com Ciência, since 2020. He belongs to the Contemporary Academy of Literature (ACL), occupying chair 21, whose patron is Érico Veríssimo, and to the National Academy of Sciences, Literature and Arts (ANACLA), occupying chair 7, whose patron is José Saramago. He has experience in Portuguese Language, General Linguistics, Semiotics, Discourse Analysis (AD-French) and Bakhtin Circle Studies. His other areas of interest are Language Sciences, Teaching and Learning Models and New Media.

Maria Albeti Vieira Vitoriano, University of Brasília

PhD in Information Science from the Faculty of Information Science at the University of Brasília (UNB). Master in Knowledge Management and Information Technology from the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB). Bachelor in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Specialized in Computer Engineering, with an emphasis on Computer Networks, from USP/FIA and MBA in Strategic Administration of Information Systems (AESI) from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Certified in ITIL and COBIT Foundation, Project Management (PMP) and Ontological Coach from the Newfield School in Chile. Worked as Consultant, Executive Manager and General Manager of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) area of ​​Banco do Brasil S.A and as ICT Superintendent of Banco Cooperativo do Brasil S.A. Ad hoc consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).


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How to Cite

PINHEIRO, Maria Heldaiva Bezerra; COSTA, Marcos Rogério Martins; VITORIANO, Maria Albeti Vieira. The interface between artificial intelligence and information literacy in higher education: inter- and multidisciplinary contexts, advances and challenges. Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, [S. l.], v. 30, p. 1–20, 2025. DOI: 10.5007/1518-2924.2025.e103105. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 mar. 2025.



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