The interface between artificial intelligence and information literacy in higher education: inter- and multidisciplinary contexts, advances and challenges
Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Information Literacy, Personalization of Learning, Critical ThinkingAbstract
Objective: This article addresses the interface between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Literacy in Higher Education, considering recent technological contributions. It seeks to identify how AI can personalize learning, improve source evaluation, and support the development of critical thinking in the academic context in which the concept of Information Literacy (IL) is inserted.
Method: The research, with an interdisciplinary approach, respects the epistemologies of the fields involved and investigates the phenomenon of AI in Higher Education in its relationship with IL. An interpretative documentary and bibliographic analysis was carried out based on data from Google Scholar and the Capes Journal Portal, including the Scielo platform. Experts were consulted to indicate relevant materials, and national and international institutions, such as UNESCO, provided instructional manuals and references.
Result: The results show that AI has great potential to personalize learning and improve the curation of informational content, increasing students' critical capacity when used well.
Conclusions: The study highlights that AI can be an essential tool to promote a more critical and autonomous academic education. It is suggested to expand its integration into Higher Education, considering ethical and accessibility issues.
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