Reflections about continued education in descriptive cataloging: a study in university libraries
Descriptive Cataloging, Continued Education of Librarians, University Libraries, Information and TechnologyAbstract
The activity of cataloging always improved along the technologies used through each time. In college libraries, the use of online catalogs allows the quality and celerity on information organization. To the librarian responsible for this activity is fundamental to follow these new changes in order to assure the standardization on the process of bibliographical description and its access points. It is verified on the current scenario, that the market has demanded updated professionals, moving towards the development of Continued Education. On that context, the research seeks to study the Continued Education in Descriptive Cataloging in Sergipe, in a window of ten years on the field of both private and public university libraries, with the aim at verifying the importance of Continued Education on Cataloging, its benefits to librarian and influences over the Descriptive Treatment of Information (DTI) quality. The methodology is characterized for being descriptive and explanatory, in order to seek for theoretical and empirical knowledge about the theme, running a questioner and documental making, to identify and make a profile of the librarian from Sergipe and its needs of continued education. The analysis of results showed that the librarians and class organizations do not recognize in an effective way the need of continued education on descriptive cataloging, which took us to define that is necessary the union of the organizations, and educational institutions, on creating legislations that seek the participation on this process. Therefore, it is recommended the proposal on creation and development of a latu sensu course that support and promote the effective actions for the continued education of the librarians in the State of Sergipe.Downloads
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