Study of sound waves in an educational activity using a popular science text
This paper presents and discusses results of a didactic activity that uses reading strategies to study the popular science text. The activity was implemented in a 2nd year class of a public high school. The aim was to promote discussion of physics concepts of sound waves by using music ? a subject that is part of the young people's lives. The popular science text addresses use, choice and functionality of different types of headphones. In this sense, the didactic activity included scientific and technological aspects linking them to the hearing health. The results achieved the objectives, in which the link between the content and text information contributed to the understanding of the subject and it also stimulated the students for reading activities. In addition, it was noticed that the subject covered in the text and the way as the reading activities were proposed help to understand the scientific knowledge involved in the use and the careful choice of different models of headphones. To conclude, the use of popular science text in physics classes can be a great educational resource for classes that have the purpose to develop reading and writing skills articulated to the scientific content from themes existing in the routine of students.
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Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil - - - eISSN 2175-7941 - - - está licenciada sob Licença Creative Commons > > > > >