Physics, Culture and Science Teaching
Science/Physics Teaching, Physics as Culture, Teacher João Zanetic, History and Philosophy of ScienceAbstract
The book, launched 30 years after Professor João Zanetic's thesis "Physics is also Culture", reaffirms the need to integrate physics with the world of students, with art, literature, history and philosophy of science, with the aim of building a physics education that is part of culture and promotes, through dialogue and problematization, the critical appropriation of knowledge so that it is effectively incorporated into the universe of representations and social transformations of the subjects. Organized by André Ferrer Pinto Martins, the book is made up of 13 chapters written by researchers and educators from different parts of Brazil, who work in different teaching modalities, but share some kind of experience with Professor Zanetic and, above all, share the belief that "education is a political act". The last chapter, written by Professor Zanetic, as well as the others, leads us to reflect that the themes presented in the thesis are as current as they were at the end of the 80s. And that the struggle is ongoing for physics teaching to become an instrument of social understanding and intervention.
MARTINS, A. F. P. (org.). Física, Cultura e Ensino de Ciências. 1. ed. São Paulo: Livraria da Física, 2019. 351 p.
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