English Language in the hotel industry: a systematization of studies


  • Beatriz Vieira da Costa Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina image/svg+xml
  • Marimar da Silva Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina image/svg+xml




State of the Art, English language, Hotel industry


This bibliographical study aims to systematize research on the English language in the hotel industry, from 2000 to 2021, in Brazil and abroad. Seventeen studies were selected and, from the qualitative-interpretative analysis, five categories emerged, which were categorized and interpreted. The study showed that the research topic, English in the hotel industry, is investigated from a qualitative-interpretative perspective, in undergraduate courses, predominantly abroad, and in work contexts, predominantly in Brazil, focusing on language proficiency, pointing out, in both contexts of investigation, gaps in the proficiency of undergraduate students and workers. It also showed that the rationale of the studies is diverse in view of the different approaches in which the language is investigated, ranging from language teaching-learning approaches, in undergraduate courses, to the provision of services to tourists and foreign guests, in the work contexts. Based on the results, this study suggests that research on language in the hotel industry should integrate into its investigation the analysis of training course curricula, aiming to advance simultaneously in research, professional training and the provision of service in the industry. It also suggests that the scope of the present study should be enlarged to other databases.


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