The historical nature of the human being


  • Carlos Alvarez Maia Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



This work deals with the human condition under a historical perspective. The classical proposal of human being originated from the illuminist – rational substantialism conflicts with the historical thought, both  in the phylogenetic  instance of its anthropologic hominization  which builds up the species, and in the ontogenetics of its  humanization given by the living historicity of each biological individual in his/her human cycle. I think of the human being as an entity made in the symbolic instance of the language in his/her interactive practice between nature and society.

Keywords: Historical constitution of the human being; The language and the human being; History and language.


Author Biography

Carlos Alvarez Maia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Doutor em História, professor adjunto do Departamento de História, UERJ, coordenador do Laboratório de estudos históricos da ciência, Lehc-UERJ.





Dossie - "The debate about the Human Condition in Modernity"