Women and science: challenges and achievements


  • Marilia Gomes de Carvalho Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPr
  • Lindamir Salete Casagrande Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPr




The aim of this article is to discuss the challenges and the achievements of women in science in the western modern society. Throughout History, there have been pioneer women who produced scientific knowledge in spite of the prejudices and discriminations, but who were kept in invisibility just because they were women. The studies on gender and science brought them into visibility. There were two kinds of challenges the women had to overcome: the customs of a patriarchal and male chauvinist society and the sexual division of work in family which kept them home, doing housework and taking care of the dependent family members. This has brought an inequality between men and women concerning the work time dedicated to science – inequality that persists until now. As for achievements, we consider that, in the present days, the women are the majority at the universities of different countries, including Brazil. There are a lot of women working in research institutions but the most important positions are occupied by men. Women are the majority in health and human sciences and men are most present in the exact and technological sciences. Finally we leave a question for reflection: does the participation of women in science bring changes on the scientific paradigm?

Author Biographies

Marilia Gomes de Carvalho, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPr

Graduada em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Paraná, mestrado em Ciências Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo e doutorado em Antropologia Social pela Universidade de São Paulo. Fez Pós-Doutorado na Université de Technologie de Compiègne-França. Professora associada da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná e docente/pesquisadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia, onde atua na área de Dimensões Sócio-culturais da Tecnologia.

Lindamir Salete Casagrande, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPr

Doutoranda em Tecnologia e Sociedade pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPr)





Dossiê: Gênero, tecnologias e ciências. Organização: Profª Drª Luciana Klanovicz