Homosexuality: psychoanalysis, religion and education





This article aims to reflect on homosexuality. It aims to verify the efforts of classical psychoanalysis to understand and define the phenomenon of homosexuality, which for many to this day is still surrounded by mystery, and to understand how the theme is treated within Christian churches and school. The author concludes that the early efforts of classical psychoanalysis to understand the phenomenon of homosexuality were intended to alleviate the suffering of those who faced the problem and sought therapeutic help. Currently, psychoanalysis/psychology tends to view homosexuality as a mere result of a social construction in order to classify individuals. In the religious sphere, Christian churches specifically, homosexuality is seen as sin and transgression of divine law and nature. However, the principles of love, justice, and grace along with the practical needs of churches tend to change in the future the perspective of churches on the subject. The school is another space in society where homosexuality manifests itself, whether in the bodies of the subjects or in educational materials. It is observed in Brazil an effort to make the school a space for the discussion of sexuality and gender issues, as well as recognition of the gender identity.

Author Biography

Eliseu Roque do Espirito Santo, Universidade do Grande Rio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Doutor em Teologia na área Religião e Educação pela Escola Superior de Teologia de São Leopoldo, São Leopoldo, RS. Professor no curso de Teologia da Universidade do Grande Rio e de Educação no Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil


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Artigos - Estudos de Gênero