Administration of justice and construction of hegemony


  • María del Carmen Cortizo UFSC - Florianópolis - SC


This article offers a reflection on the participation of the Administration of Justice in the processes of formation and expansion of legal culture. In this sense, and based on the supposition that judges expand the legal culture through their judicial practices, it affirms that only an intellectual and moral reform, in the Gramscian sense of the concept, which comprehends all the people (including the operators of law) can produce a radically democratic transformation of this culture. It also maintains that many possibilities for the route indicated open from good, common legal sense, but also become indispensable to the internal democratization of the Judiciary and the external control of its jurisdictional activities.

Author Biography

María del Carmen Cortizo, UFSC - Florianópolis - SC

Possui graduação em Direito pela Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de Los Buenos Aires (1983), mestrado em Sociologia pela UNICAMP (1994) e doutorado em Ciências Sociais pela UNICAMP (2000). Atualmente é Professor Adjunto 2 da UFSC. Tem experiência na área de Sociologia, com ênfase em Sociologia Jurídica, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Sociologia jurídica, Sociologia da administração de justiça, Cultura jurídica, Cultura da justiça.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

