ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION: reflections of their apprehension / implementation in human formation
The present objective text to critically deal with the notion entrepreneurship and its apprehension/implementation, made of hasty and uncritical form, in the pedagogical actions of the physical education. This notion together walks with the ones of ability and employability; imposed in the school to take care of to the dominant project of society, correct in the occured changes in the capitalism since the last quarter of the last century. We understand the importance of quarrel for the area, therefore they start to be produced workmanships pointing with respect to the installation of the reference of the entrepreneurship as north to be pursued by the professors of physical education, also disciplines to justify it in the interior of the school.Downloads
How to Cite
PENNA DIAS, Graziany. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION: reflections of their apprehension / implementation in human formation. Motrivivência, Florianópolis, n. 35, p. 147–165, 2011. DOI: 10.5007/2175-8042.2010v22n35p147. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/motrivivencia/article/view/2175-8042.2010v22n35p147. Acesso em: 9 mar. 2025.
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