The body-in-flow in climbing in a natural environment: possibilities for emancipation




This essay seeks to reflect on climbing in a natural environment as an emancipatory practice of immersion in nature, in which the participant can transform himself along the way, feeling more integrated to the environment, powerfully bodily and with keen senses. For this, an analysis of the flow theory presented by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is made, relating the elements of enjoyment listed by the author as present in the optimal experience, with the potentialities of the body in movement in the climbing perceived and analyzed by the French philosopher and mountaineer Michel Serres. The necessary training for the practice, the risks involved in the action and the quality of the experience undertaken are investigated. The term body-in-flow is proposed as an ecological posture, bringing the possibility of thinking about specific bodily states that allow the practitioner to transform himself throughout the action.

Author Biography

Cláudia Regina Garcia Millás, Departamento de Arte Corporal da Escola de Educação Física e Desporto da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Doutorado em Artes Cênicas (UNIRIO);

Docente no Departamento de Arte Corporal da Escola de Educação Física e Desporto da UFRJ


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How to Cite

Millás, C. R. G. (2020). The body-in-flow in climbing in a natural environment: possibilities for emancipation. Motrivivência, 32(63), 01–20.



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