The “capoeira” in school and in Physical Education


  • Vinicius Thiago Melo UFMG



This is an assay of bibliographical revision that approaches the thematic of the capoeirain the School and the Physical Education. The analysis of some official documentsdemonstrates that the capoeira establishes concrete relations with the question ofthe education of the ethnic-racial relations and with disciplines Physical Education.However, it is verified that nor always this modality recognized by the it possibilities ofparticipation in the educative process, but yes, in a secondary compensation perspectiveof the classroom tensions and aid in the control of the behavior and disciplines of thepupils. Thus, it was looked to reflect and to make some notes on the way for which thispractical cultural has been recognized in the school and the Physical Education.

Author Biography

Vinicius Thiago Melo, UFMG

Formou-se professor de capoeira em 2004, desde então vem atuando em projetos de ensino com esta modalidade em escolas de educação infantil, em programas como Escola Integrada da Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte, Escola de Tempo Integral da Rede Estadual de ensino de Minas Gerais e Projeto Guanabara/UFMG. Vale ressaltar que todas estas experiências se desenvolveram no espaço escolar tanto no contexto das aulas de Educação Física quanto no contra-turno escolar como atividade extracurricular.



How to Cite

MELO, Vinicius Thiago. The “capoeira” in school and in Physical Education. Motrivivência, Florianópolis, n. 37, p. 190–199, 2012. DOI: 10.5007/2175-8042.2011v23n37p190. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.