How I became #dotorainspiração and the Ewá’s Earring




The aim of this article is to discuss the interfaces between academic and public intellectuality in dialogue with black and decolonial feminists. Taking into account the production of a “first person narrative”, I discuss my own trajectory as a university professor, highlighting the relevance of the construction of scientific projects based on the self-image of black women as intellectuals. In consideration of Ochy Curiel’s critique of the renunciation of “social life” to achieve a successful career, I bring to the fore the importance of discussing the role of subjectivity and the production of self-defined knowledge in the lives of black women. Finally, I reflect on the dilemmas and possibilities posed for the intellectuality of black women through experiences lived in the last four years, among them the creation of Black Intellectuals Group, participation in television programs and the post of columnist in Nexo Newspaper.


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Author Biography

Giovana Xavier, Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Dra. em História Social, professora da UFRJ, mãe do Peri, coordenadora do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Intelectuais Negras UFRJ, tutora do Programa de Educação Tutorial Conexões de Saberes Diversidade UFRJ, colunista do Nexo Jornal.


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How to Cite

Xavier, G. (2021). How I became #dotorainspiração and the Ewá’s Earring. Revista Estudos Feministas, 29(1).



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