Curricular aspects of countryside education and mathematical modeling: possible relations




This paper discusses the curricular aspects contained in the official documents of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and analyzes how the Mathematical Modeling as teaching methodology can contribute and be inserted in this scenario. For this, we have as objective to analyze the documents that guide the Countryside Education in Rio Grande do Sul in order to verify how the methodology of Mathematical Modeling can be used to this reality and whether or not it satisfies the objectives proposed in the documents. Some countryside schools were visited in the interior of the state and it was found that there is still much to be improved in rural schools regarding curriculum organization, new methodologies and access to information. From the reading of the documents, we can conclude that there is no policy to ensure continuing education so that these professionals can adapt to the diversity of the environment, so education in these localities ends up following urban educational models, excluding the richness and cultural plurality of communities.

Author Biographies

Andressa Franco Vargas, Universidade Franciscana

Mestre em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática

Universidade Franciscana, Aluna do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática, Santa Maria, Brasil.

Eleni Bisognin, Universidade Franciscana

Doutora em Matemática

Universidade Franciscana, Professora Adjunto do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática, Santa Maria, Brasil.


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Currículo e Educação Matemática