Higher education math curriculum: analysis of the first curricular matrices of a higher education institution in Pernambuco during four decades





This paper presents a clipping of a dissertation research that is underway at the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE, which seeks to investigate the impact that the Belo Jardim College - FBJ, maintained by the Belo Jardim Educational Authority - AEB, has been training the teacher of Mathematics in Basic Education in the Pernambucan forest for four decades. For this we will investigate the curricular, formative and historical transformations of the course of Mathematics Degree in the institution. The purpose of the study presented in this paper is the analysis of the first curricular matrices lived in the institution in the 70s and 80s as well as the official documents guide the respective period. In the realization of the research, a theoretical deepening of the theme was carried out seeking to position the object of study in the set of theoretical discussions that supported the study in official documents, books, articles, theses and dissertations that deal with the history and brief trajectory of the FBJ, the curriculum. in the Mathematics Degree Course at the Institution, opinions from MEC and State Board of Education. The study had as methodological procedure the explanatory research in the documentary form of qualitative character, in which authors were consulted who identified in their studies and research the relevance of the Degree in Mathematics. The analysis of the curricular matrices of the institution allowed relevant reflections of the difficulties overcome to meet the temporal needs in relation to the Mathematics curriculum and the initial formation of the Mathematics teacher.

Author Biographies

Josilene Maria de Lima Torres, Universidade Federal e Pernambuco - UFPE

* Mestranda em Educação Matemática - UFPE CAA* Especialista em Matemática - AEB/UFPE* Licenciada em Matemática - AEB/FBJ* Licenciada em Pedagogia - UFRPE
Docente na:* Autarquia Educacional do Belo Jardim - AEB / Faculdade do Belo Jardim - FBJ, sendo cedida da Secretaria de Educação do Município de Belo Jardim - PE (vínculo efetivo)
* Secretaria de Educação do Estado de Pernambuco (vínculo efetivo) 

Edelweis José Tavares Barbosa, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Docente na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco-UFPE
Centro Acadêmico do Agreste-CAANúcleo de Formação Docente-NFD


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Currículo e Educação Matemática