A teaching approach to complex numbers through the history of mathematics
Complex Numbers, History of Mathematics in Teaching, Didactic ProposalAbstract
The need to think about new approaches to teaching mathematics, especially Complex Numbers, that can enable effective learning of mathematical concepts. This article aims to propose a didactic sequence for teaching and learning Complex Numbers in Basic Education, with the methodological use of the History of Mathematics. It follows a qualitative approach, using bibliographical research as an instrument, developed in books, dissertations, articles, among others, in which conceptual dialogues were brought together that served to compose the didactic sequence, contributing to answering some questions, namely: how did it happen? the emergence of Complex Numbers? And, how can the History of Mathematics be used as a resource in the development of a didactic proposal that promotes the construction of mathematical notions by students while learning Complex Numbers? Bearing in mind that the correct planning and execution of a didactic sequence for teaching content can facilitate the formalization of content and increase student motivation during the development of skills and abilities. The proposal resulting from this research is a didactic sequence for teaching, using the History of Mathematics, intended to contextualize and attribute meanings to the learning of Complex Numbers, for basic education students.
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