Probabilistic language: the meaning of the word “uncertainty” by ninth-year students




Probabilistic language, Uncertainty concept, Elementary School, Multivariate Textual Analysis


The objective of this work was to identify the language used by students in the ninth year of Elementary School regarding the notion of the word “Uncertainty”, based on their everyday knowledge and/or what they learned at school. Consequently, the analyzes obtained will be part of the development of activities that will compose a paradidactic book to support the teaching of probabilistic content. Thus, the following research question was established for this study: How will the identification of probabilistic language contribute to conducting the teaching and learning process of probability in the ninth year of Elementary School? This research was exploratory, with a qualitative and quantitative approach using a questionnaire made available on Google Forms and analyzed by the IraMuTeQ software (R Interface for Multidimensional Text and Questionnaire Analysis), in which multivariate analyzes (similarity) were carried out to recognize the language probabilistic analysis of this group of students. The results show that this group of students indicates notions about uncertainty based on colloquial, intuitive language or even on meanings established by Portuguese language dictionaries. More specifically, it is considered that intuitive meaning constitutes a central and basic element, since it refers to those terms commonly used to refer to uncertainty or even the meaning of the word itself and express through colloquial phrases the quantification and the degree of belief in relation to uncertain events.

Author Biographies

Ailton Paulo de Oliveira Júnior, Federal University of ABC

Possui graduação em Ciências Estatísticas pela Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas (1988), Licenciatura em Matemática pela Universidade Católica de Brasília (2005), Mestrado em Pesquisa Operacional pelo Instituto Militar de Engenharia (1991), Doutorado em Educação (Didática, Práticas Escolares e Técnicas de Ensino) pela Universidade de São Paulo (2003) e Pós-Doutorado em Educação pela Universidade de São Paulo (2009). Atualmente é professor associado do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática do Centro de Matemática, Computação e Cognição e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino e História das Ciências e da Matemática da Universidade federal do ABC - UFABC. É coordenador do Grupo de Estudos em Educação Estatística e Matemática - GEEM, certificado junto ao CNPq tendo como prioridade a discussão e o estudo de questões relativas à Educação Estatística e Matemática desde os anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental até o Ensino Superior. É coordenador dos seguintes projetos de pesquisa: A utilização da metodologia de resolução de problemas no ensino de Estatística, Probabilidade e Análise Combinatória na Educação Básica e Avaliação das atitudes em relação ao ensino de Estatística de alunos do Bacharelado em Ciências e Tecnologia - BCT da disciplina de Introdução à Probabilidade e Estatística - IPE da Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC. O foco dos trabalhos relaciona-se com as concepções e atitudes de professores e alunos em relação ao ensino de Probabilidade, Estatística e Matemática, Resolução de Problemas, Modelagem Matemática, jogos pedagógicos, tecnologias digitais contribuindo para o ensino e a história do ensino de Estatística.

Anneliese de Oliveira Lozada, Federal University of ABC

PhD candidate in Teaching and History of Science and Mathematics at the Federal University of ABC, is part of the GEEM (Study Group in Statistical and Mathematics Education - certified by CNPq) at UFABC under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Ailton Paulo de Oliveira Junior. He has a degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering from the FEI University Center and a Full Degree in Mathematics, a Master's degree in Teaching, History and Philosophy of Sciences and Mathematics from the Federal University of ABC, Specialization in Applied Mathematics, having started a Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering. She has experience in the areas of Automotive Engineering and Clinical Engineering, working in the maintenance of industrial equipment in the automotive industry, in the acquisition and maintenance of medical-hospital-dental equipment. She has experience as a teacher in Elementary, Secondary, Technical and Higher Education (in Engineering Courses). In the area of Engineering Education, she is interested in research focused on innovation, creativity and development projects. She has experience in the area of Science Teaching, with interest in the following topics: Science Museums, Argumentation in Science Teaching, Scientific and Technological Literacy, CTSA. In Mathematics Education, he is interested in the teaching of Statistics and Probability in Basic Education and the use of TDICs in the teaching-learning process, in addition to topics related to Calculus and Geometry and the mathematical knowledge of EJA classes and interdisciplinarity. She is the creator, creator and coordinator of the Roskosmos Project (since 2015) aimed at Engineering courses.


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