Ethics policy and guidelines for good practice in scientific communication

The Sequência Journal - Legal and Political Studies adopt a research ethics policy and guidelines for good practices in scientific communication, using as reference the "SciELO Guide to good practices for the strengthening of ethics in scientific publishing" and the "Principles of transparency and good practices in academic publishing", 2022 version, recommended by COPE, DOAJ, OASPA and WAME, available at: (


Authorship and contribution: authors and co-authors will be considered those who participated directly and significantly in the elaboration of the research in the phases of conception, projection, construction and/or consolidation for final presentation. Any disputes about authorship and contribution will be received by the e-mail, and the Editor-in-Chief will be responsible for dealing with them, with the help of the Editorial Council.

Complaints and contestations: the journal will receive by e-mail complaints and contestations. After receipt, the demands will be forwarded to a three-member commission of the Editorial Council, to be designated by the Editor-in-Chief, associate editors or associate editors. The report and opinion of the Commission, prepared within 30 days after its constitution, will be forwarded to the complainant and be duly publicized. Members of the editorial council that are in a position of conflict of interest and/or impediment will not be allowed to be part of the Triple Commission or to institute it.

Allegations of misconduct: pre-publication and post-publication behaviors that potentially maculate good scientific communication practices should be informed by e-mail The Editor-in-Chief, associate editors or associate editors will be responsible for processing the complaint, with the assistance of the Editorial Council. An analysis report and opinion, prepared within 30 days after receipt of the report, will be sent to the complainant and duly publicized.

Conflicts of interest: any secondary interests that may affect the submitted or published manuscript, whether financial, personal, academic, institutional or political, must be informed by the authors, contributors or any interested third party to the Editorial Team. In such cases, the editors, with the help of the Editorial Council, with the exception of cases of impediment, will deliberate about the occurrence and will make public the respective decision.

Data sharing and reproducibility: the data used in the research submitted to the journal must be publicly accessible or made public at the time the study is published, with the exception of sensitive data and/or those protected by legal confidentiality. Authors and co-authors must adopt a methodology that encourages the reproduction of research at a later date. The journal will apply, in its activity, the provisions of Articles 7º and 11º of the Law no. 13.709 of 2018.

Ethical supervision: it is the responsibility of the Editorial Council to supervise the protocols of consent for publication, ethics of research with human beings and vulnerable populations, manipulation of sensitive data and business/marketing practices. It is also responsible for monitoring the scientific and methodological validity of the studies submitted, the ponderation of risks and benefits when applicable, and the proof of compliance with regulatory, institutional, and legal requirements applicable to each case.

Intellectual property: authors and co-authors will have their authorship protected in accordance with the national legislation in force and their works will have a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. All forms of plagiarism constitute unethical conduct and will be rejected by the Journal, with the adoption of appropriate measures. Redundant or overlapping publications are not admitted.

Post-publication discussion and correction: post-publication discussions may occur through letters to the editors, sent to the journal's official e-mail address. After receiving the letters, the editors will reply and forward them to the respective authors and coauthors. The textual set originated from the initial letter will be published in the news section of Sequência Journal. Corrections, revisions or retractions of articles already published will occur through publication in the journal's news section and replacement of the initial file, explaining to readers the correction/revision/retraction, the respective reason and date of occurrence.

Plagiarism policy: The Sequência Journal informs that the originals submitted to its platform will go through a plagiarism checking procedure, with the program iThenticate: plagiarism detection software. Only then they will be sent for blind review. The Sequência repudiates any form of plagiarism and declares that it is the authors' responsibility to guarantee the originality of the manuscript. In case of plagiarism detection, the manuscript will be rejected immediately.

Publishing costs and financing: The Sequência Journal informs that no fees are charged for submission or publication of articles. The journal is financially supported by the Center for Legal Sciences Center at the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC and the Postgraduate Program in Law at UFSC via PROEX/CAPES.


For editors and publishers:

It is the editors' duties to consolidate the editorial policy of the Journal, supervise the editorial flow, relate to all the actors involved, supervise transparency and quality of the Journal, and also prevent and identify misconduct such as plagiarism, citation manipulation, data falsification, etc.


For evaluators:

The evaluators are responsible for contributing to the editorial decision, acting with punctuality, confidentiality and objectivity. Furthermore, they must indicate sources not cited in the works evaluated, safeguard privileged information or ideas known by the evaluation function and manifest themselves about the conflict of interests.


To the authors:

It is the responsibility of the authors:


  1. Observance of the editorial policy of the Journal and of the presentation norms indicated in the guidelines for authors;
  2. Responsibility for the grammatical correctness of the articles submitted and also for the observance of the applicable ABNT norms;
  3. Guarantee the originality of the submitted articles. Plagiarism, in any circumstances, is misconduct, a reason for rejection of the submission;
  4. Guarantee a single publication of the submitted texts. Multiple publications or publications that contain developed ideas already published constitute misconduct in terms of scientific communication. It is necessary to inform the editors and obtain consent for publication of an article in another journal;
  5. Give information about the sources and data used in the research. The omission of sources, fabrication or falsification of data constitute serious misconduct;
  6. Make sure that those who have, in fact, contributed significantly to the conception, projection, elaboration and consolidation of the research are identified as authors and co-authors.