<b>The Essential Contribution of Treaties and International Courts for Human and Fundamental Rights
The present study focuses on the development and the importance of international law, especially documents such as treaties, covenants and jurisdictional courts, to form a cohesive system of protection of human rights. The main purpose of this research is to demonstrate that before a globalized society, the establishment of parameters to protect these rights are priceless, considering that in the internal sphere violations of such rights still occur, and the individuals lack the guard offered only in the international sphere. The method of approach is the deductive one. The method of procedure is the historical one. As a research technique we use the indirect documentation from the literature.Downloads
How to Cite
GORCZEVSKI, Clóvis; DIAS, Felipe da Veiga. <b>The Essential Contribution of Treaties and International Courts for Human and Fundamental Rights. Seqüência - Legal and Political Studies, Florianópolis, v. 33, n. 65, p. 241–272, 2012. DOI: 10.5007/2177-7055.2012v33n65p241. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/sequencia/article/view/2177-7055.2012v33n65p241. Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.

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