Translating memory: between the distributed object and the multidirectional memory




Alfred Gell’s idea of memory presented in his “Art and Agency”, which passes through the biography of the person (understood not only as human being, but also as the object of art itself), is put in dialogue with contemporary studies on cultural memory in order to debate the role of translation on the perpetuation of remembrance. Aleida Assmann’s media and memory concepts mediate all this work, bringing up the hypothesis that translation is a medium of memory. The translation is here studied in direct contact with life, bios, as part of the biographical construction of the person and the work of art, or, specifically, of literature, in order to reallocate it in the debates about cultural memory.

Author Biography

Hugo Simões, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná,

Doutorando no PPGLetras/UFPR, Mestre em Letras pela UFPR. Bolsista CAPES e membro do species - núcleo de antropologia especulativa.


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Brodzki, Bella. Can these bones live? Translation, survival and cultural memory. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007.

Campos, Haroldo de. Deus e o Diabo no Fausto de Goethe. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2008.

Gagnebin, Jeanne Marie. Lembrar, escrever, esquecer. 2. ed. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2009.

Gell, Alfred. Arte e agência. Tradução de Jamille Pinheiro Dias. São Paulo: Ubu Editora, 2018.

Jelin, Elizabeth. La lucha por el passado: cómo construimos la memoria social. Buenos Aires: Siglo Veinteuno Editores, 2017.

Rothberg, Michael. Multidirectional memory: remembering the Holocaust in the age of decolonization. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009.

Simões, Hugo. A tradução do que se cala: Paul Celan entre genocídios. Dissertação de mestrado. Curitiba: UFPR, 2018. Acervo digital da Universidade Federal do Paraná. 27/01/2020. Disponível em:



How to Cite

Simões, H. (2020). Translating memory: between the distributed object and the multidirectional memory. Cadernos De Tradução, 40(3), 58–74.

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