Photography, aura, transmission: from Walter Benjamin to Thomas Struth, Gregory Crewdson and Carlos Goldgrub


  • Ulrich Johannes Beil Universidade de Zurique



The following article enters into the question if and how three well-respected contemporary photographers – Carlos Goldgrub from Brasil, Gregory Crewdson from the USA and Thomas Struth from Germany – refer to the works of Walter Benjamin. The article tries to show that the Benjaminian idea of „aura“, especially in the essay A short History of Photography, can be found in some works of the photographers and that they reflect and thematize this concept in different creative ways. The suggestion is: These photographers tried to transfer and to realize the conception of „aura“ in some examples of their work.

Author Biography

Ulrich Johannes Beil, Universidade de Zurique

Formação em Germanística, Filosofia, Teologia e Ciência Política, Universidade de Munique. Mestrado e Doutorado em Filosofia, Universidade de Munique. Tese de habilitação em Germanística e Literatura Comparada, Universidade de Munique. Professor assistente da Universidade de Hokkaido (1988-1992). Professor visitante da Universidade de São Paulo (2000-2004). Professor da Universidade de Munique e pesquisador sênior do grupo de pesquisa NFS Mediality, Universidade de Zurique, Suíça. E-mail:



How to Cite

Beil, U. J. (2014). Photography, aura, transmission: from Walter Benjamin to Thomas Struth, Gregory Crewdson and Carlos Goldgrub. Cadernos De Tradução, 1(esp.), 50–81.