ESP and the shared expertise: convergences with translation and terminology




This paper critically addresses aspects related to the teaching of the English language in specialized texts in the scope of English for Specific Purposes. It problematizes this approach within the context of language courses – focusing on the reading competence – EAP modality (STREVENS, 1977; HYLAND, 2006). It establishes theoretical convergences with the fields of Translation and Terminology. The perspective adopted aims to contribute to the development of the agents involved and to the improvement of pedagogical practice, broadening new paths and theoretical-methodological possibilities. The motivation for this study emerges from the growing and expressive pursuit of reading competence enhancement in texts with scientific content in foreign languages by professionals and academics from different domains. This demand is characterized by well-defined professional targets associated to mechanisms of acceleration of results stemming from the exogenous pressure for qualification. It is intended to describe the peculiarities of the teaching context where these reflections emerge from and connect them to some methodological procedures employed in solving textual exploratory difficulties supported by translation strategies and terminological knowledge.

Author Biography

Silvia Helena Benchimol Barros, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Pará

Doutora pelas Universidades de Aveiro (UA) e Nova de Lisboa (UNL) - Portugal na área de Tradução e Terminologia, Mestre em Linguística pela UFPA, graduada em Pedagogia e Licenciada Plena em Letras Inglês. Professora efetiva da Universidade Federal do Pará. Possui especializações nas áreas de Linguística Aplicada ao Ensino da Língua Inglesa pela UFPA, Psicologia Educacional com ênfase em Psicopedagogia Preventiva pela UEPA e em Assessment for EFL / ESL pela Universidade de Indiana- US. Pesquisadora cadastrada na Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia - FCT (Portugal).


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How to Cite

Benchimol Barros, S. H. (2018). ESP and the shared expertise: convergences with translation and terminology. Cadernos De Tradução, 38(3), 399–425.