A gramática wittgensteiniana como alternativa à polarização fidelidade vs. différance nos estudos da tradução.


  • Paulo Oliveira Unicamp




The deconstruction of the “immanent meaning” notion has given a new breath to an area traditionally marked by the negativism of the “infidelities”, but it hasn’t always known how to face the accusation of leading to the denegation of any quality criteria. The “second” Wittgenstein can help us to dissolve this impasse. For this sake, I discuss the derridian notion of différance from the viewpoint of Wittgenstein’s grammar, considering this latter perfectly compatible with sociological approaches in translation theory, which by no means have to base upon an essentialist understanding of language, as some critics have recently suggested.



How to Cite

Oliveira, P. (2005). A gramática wittgensteiniana como alternativa à polarização fidelidade vs. différance nos estudos da tradução. Cadernos De Tradução, 1(15), 9–34. https://doi.org/10.5007/%x