Learning constraints within communities of practice of mathematics teachers
The main goal of this paper is to investigate the contextual elements of Communities of Practice (CoPs) of elementary and secondary school Mathematics Teachers that offer learning opportunities to teachers who participate in them. The analysis, supported by the Grounded Theory, cover papers, theses and dissertations whose findings are associated to events highlighted within CoP. The overall findings offer a framework of teachers' learning career, from the following conditions: (i) engagement of roaming; (ii) repertoires sharing; (iii) joint commitment; (iv) dynamics of group/community; (v) shared and supported reflections; (vi) relationship of confidence and respect; (vii) vulnerability spaces and mediated agency; and (viii) dynamic nature of the expert and role of the trainer(s). In these terms, the findings suggest recognizing the Communities of Practice as a privileged environment for professional development of elementary and secondary school Mathematics teachers.Downloads
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