Dimensions of reliability in scientific claims and functional knowledge of nature of science
We investigated how Chemistry preservice teachers used Nature of Science (NOS) knowledge in a functional way in the analysis of scientific claims related to a contemporary case about Genetically Modified Organisms. We adopted as items of analysis the dimensions of the reliability of scientific claims proposed by Allchin (2011). We developed criteria to judge the functionality of the analysis: (a) scientific claims and practices related to them were critically examined, avoiding the presentation of hasty conclusions; (b) the available scientific data were used to support the position with evidence and (c) mere statements of aspects of NOS were avoided. The analysis explored the preservice teacher’s knowledge of NOS in addition to the declarative dimension, because we identified the consistency of use with the justification established by the preservice teachers in positioning. In this sense, we believe that the article presents contributions to the field by making the possible criteria’s of analysis clears in the perspective pointed out by Allchin.
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