Negative experiences with mathematics
an of possible drivers of mathematics anxiety in teachers
Mathematical anxiety, Teacher trainingAbstract
This article stems from a doctoral thesis in development, in which we present initial analyzes of one of the factors that generate Mathematics Anxiety in teachers and/or future teachers of basic education. Our objective is to show, in what terms of academic research, these deal with negative experiences with mathematics as a factor, with the potential to trigger or increase Mathematical Anxiety in teachers and/or future teachers of basic education. This is qualitative research, in the format of a systematic review. We adopted as theoretical contributions: Dreger and Aiken; Richardson and Suinn, Lyons and Beilock, Carmo and his collaborators, among others. The results indicate that negative experiences are an aspect that needs to be studied more intensively, as they trigger Mathematics Anxiety and appear in situations involving learning this subject, that is, contexts of anxiety suffered by current and/or future teachers. teachers during their life trajectories and academic training.
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