Reclaiming Pedagogy: The Rhetoric of the Classroom. Patricia Donahue and Ellen


  • Dilvo Ilvo Ristoff UFSC


The book consists of twelve articles written by an equal number of authors and edited by Patricia Donahue and Ellen Quandahl. The articles discuss a rich variety of topics and thinkers (Kenneth Burke, Derrida, Barthes, Freud, Bakhtin, Stanley Fish), always with one eye on classroom practice and the other on theory. As the editors claim in the introduction, "the real subject here is a new wave of composition research, encouraging us to read classroom practice through critical theory, and promising, moreover, a mutually enhancing interaction of theory and pedagogy.

Author Biography

Dilvo Ilvo Ristoff, UFSC

Possui graduação em Letras pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1974) , mestrado em Letras (Inglês e Literatura Correspondente) pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (1979) , doutorado em English pela University of Southern California (1987) e pos-doutorado pela University of North Carolina (1997) . Atualmente é PROFESSOR TITULAR da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.





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