Repetition, originality and translation


  • Kelvin Falcão Klein Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro



The aim of this article is to present some of the results of a research study involving the concepts of repetition, originality and translation. he results presented here are engaged in a critical reading of the theory of Anglophone matrix. he basis of the article deals with the contrast between Edward W. Said’s ideas about repetition and originality, exposed in his book he World, the Text, and the Critic, and Samuel Weber’s ideas about translation
in his book Benjamin’s -abilities. he central hypothesis of the article is that the passage of “origin” to “originality”, as well as from “translation” to “translatability”, reveals a conceptual potential that is constitutive of the status of literary theory in recent years.

Author Biography

Kelvin Falcão Klein, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Kelvin Falcão Klein is a Professor in the School of Languages of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro ( UNIRIO ). His research interests are: the contact between Literary Theory , Comparative Literature and Contemporary Literature.




