Engineering the future: teaching reading and writing at the Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios


  • Diana Monica Waigandt Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios National University of Entre Rios
  • Alicia Maria Noceti Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios National University of Entre Rios
  • Luz Marina Zapata Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios National University of Entre Rios



Since the 1990s, in Argentina there has been considerable concern over whether higher education institutions must undertake the responsibility of teaching academic skills to their student population or if both undergraduates and graduates ought to cope with the enculturation process without assistance. Although academics seem to have reached an agreement and have put forward a number of actions aimed at facilitating the access of university students into their target discourse communities, there is still heated debate about how the issue must be approached. In this article we describe the initiatives carried out at two engineering colleges: the Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentación and the Facultad de Ingeniería belonging to the Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos that have paved the way for the integration of academic literacy skills teaching and learning in the curriculum. 

Author Biographies

Diana Monica Waigandt, Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios National University of Entre Rios

Professor of English at the Department of Humanities and Languages, at National University of Entre Rios. She is carrying out a research project concerning the teaching of mathematics to future bioengineers with a strong emphasis on formative assessment. Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Universidad de Jaen - España)

Alicia Maria Noceti, Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios National University of Entre Rios

Alicia Maria Noceti is a professor and researcher at the School of Food Engineering, at Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios. She is currently performing research on engineering students´written production of genres with a particular focus on the title and abstract of their theses.

Luz Marina Zapata, Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios National University of Entre Rios

Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry at National University of Entre Rios. PhD in Science, Technology and Food Management (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia - España).



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