Latin-American writing initiatives in engineering from Spanish-speaking countries


  • Elizabeth Narváez-Cardona Universidad Autónoma de Occidente Autonomous University of the West



This article analyzes Latin-American publications from Spanish Speaking countries to map programs pursued in the Region and then provide a context to envision further research agendas for Latin-American Writing Studies in engineering. The analysis of 22 publications suggests that initiatives and studies in engineering are recent (as of 2009). The sample reveals an emphasis on pedagogically-oriented publications focused on engineering as one field. The trends suggest that the Latin-American writing advocates in engineering might benefit by incorporating theoretical frameworks for a) exploring and understanding different roles of writing across time and curriculum in student learning and by engineering subfields and, b) exploring theoretical approaches to understand genres beyond individual texts (i.e., genre repertoires and genre systems).

Author Biography

Elizabeth Narváez-Cardona, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente Autonomous University of the West

Elizabeth Narváez-Cardona is a Professor at the Languages Department at Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, in Colombia. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Education at UCSB. She is interested in academic writing, and in understanding the scholastic differences between the United States and Latin America in terms of public educational policies, institutional identities, historical accounts, and local resources. 



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