The film adaptation of an american tragedy and Othello in match point




The aim of the present article is to recover the history of the cinematic adaptations of the novel An American Tragedy (1925), by Theodore Dreiser, reinstating the discussions of the drowning scene. Sergei Eisenstein’s writings on the possibilities of the use of the interior monologue in films and Bertolt Brecht’s remarks on the role of the soundtrack in Dreiser’s novel adaptation offer an important entry into the analysis of the film Match Point (2005), by Woody Allen. In Match Point, the use of the soundtrack, in particular the collage with the opera Othello (1887), by Giuseppe Verdi, instigates the spectator to reflect on the narrative possibilities of film adaptation.

Author Biography

Ana Paula Bianconcini Anjos, São Paulo University

Ana Paula Bianconcini Anjos é professora da área de Inglês do Departamento de Letras Modernas na Universidade de São Paulo. Possui doutorado e mestrado em Estudos Linguísticos e Literários em Inglês pelo mesmo departamento.


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