Nadsat - the language of violence: from novel to film




Nadsat, an artificial language constructed by Anthony Burgess, is used in his novel, apparently, as means both of immersion of the reader, alienation and repulsion. Kubrick’s filmic adaption of A clockwork orange recognizes the paramount role of Nadsat, and gives life to it as a spoken language through the lines of Alex and his droogs in his homonymous production. The aim of the present article is thus to examine the author’s artificial language, its occurrences in the novel as well as in the filmic adaptation following the contributions of Gualda (2010) and Hutchings (1991) to the cinema study, while tracing the glossopoeia’s meanings and effects on the audience, and how both the author and director seem to manipulate the implications of the reception theory as formulated by Wolfgang Iser (1978). The questions answered by this article are: Does the role played by Nadsat in the novel correspond to that played in the film? How are the implications of Iser’s reception theory in the novel and the film? The results will show that without an understanding of Nadsat the reader/viewer will not be able to fill the gaps of interpretation left by Burgess and Kubrick.

Author Biographies

Israel Alves Correa Noletto, Piauí Federal Institute

Israel Noletto currently teaches English as a Foreign Language at IFPI (Piauí Federal Institute) and is taking his Master’s Degree in Literary Theory at UFPI (Piauí Federal University), and has a degree in English from UESPI (Piauí State University/ 2009).  

Margareth Torres de Alencar Costa, State University of Piauí

Margareth Torres de Alencar Costa teaches Spanish as a foreign language at UESPI (Piauí State University) and Literary Theory at UFPI (Piauí Federal University). She has a Doctorate in Literature from UFPE (Pernambuco Federal University/2013), a Master of Arts also in Literature from UFPE (Pernambuco Federal University/2002), and a degree in English and in Spanish from UESPI (Piauí State University/ 1992 and 2012 respectively).


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