Improving L2 pronunciation inside and outside the classroom


  • Angélica Carlet UIC
  • Hanna Kivistö-de Souza UFSC



Spanish/Catalan learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) attended a formal instruction (FI) period combined with explicit pronunciation instruction, which consisted of theoretical and practical approaches to English segmental phonetics as well as a contrastive analysis between the participants’ first languages and the target language, English. The EFL learners’ ability to perceive and produce L2 vowels was assessed before and after the 8-week instructional treatment. Results show that the EFL learners significantly improved their perception of vowel sounds embedded in real and non-words. However, no improvement in production was found as a result of the instruction received. While these results suggest that learners’ perceptual skills can be improved with teacher-led instruction, the quantity and availability of explicit pronunciation instruction is not sufficient to modify learners’ speech production. Thus, optimal results require learners to continue learning outside the classroom context. With this aim, this paper presents two autonomous activities developed to increase learners’ awareness about phonology: L1-L2 Pronunciation Comparison Task and a Phonological Self-awareness Questionnaire.

Author Biographies

Angélica Carlet, UIC

Professor of English linguistics and head of English at the faculty of Education at Universitat Internacional de
Catalunya (UIC), in Barcelona, Spain. Sheholds a PhD in English philology and a Master’s Degree in second
language acquisition from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). he inluence of one’s native language
phonology in the acquisition of a second language constitutes the main area of her research interest along with
the efect of formal instruction and stay abroad programmes on participants’ oral skills.

Hanna Kivistö-de Souza, UFSC

Holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Barcelona and is an Assistant Professor at the
Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Her research focuses on L2 speech acquisition by looking into the
individual cognitive variables that underlie L2 speech perception and production.


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